Absolute Belief In Your Creative Dreams

The Greatest Predictor of Creative Success

How deeply you believe that you absolutely will make your creative dreams happen (even if you don’t know exactly how!) is one of the greatest predictors of your success.

(Not to mention the increased joy and ease with which you’ll create that success!)

The last five days of 2023 I spent nursing a low-grade fever with awful chills, body aches and chest-burning cough. All I could muster the energy to do was sleep, lounge, watch movies, read and sip hot tea and soup.

My mantra was ~ “This won’t last forever and the more I rest and take good care of myself, the faster I’ll be on the other side.”

I believed in my bones that I would absolutely feel better eventually.

Even though I didn’t know exactly how long that would take, I knew there were things I could do (and not do) to help the process along and that’s what I focused on as much as possible. (versus how bad I felt or how many days I “lost” to illness).

Imagine how different my experience would’ve been if I doubted whether I’d ever be well again.

Focus on What’s Within Your Control

As far as your creative dreams and desires ~ the same principle applies.

When you stay in a place of BELIEF vs. DOUBT as much as possible and focus on what’s within your control more than what’s not ~ this keeps you on the path leading you where you want to go!

But here’s the part no one likes to talk about…

That’s way easier said than done ~ especially on your own.

As your coach, I’ll help you strengthen your belief, keep your eye on the prize and stay focused on taking your next Delightfully Doable Step in the direction of your dream week after week ~ no matter what life throws your way.

Choose a time that works well for you this week or next and let’s hop on a Clarity Call to discuss your options.

Join my clients who are turning their creative visions into reality as they learn how to…

  • Prioritize making art while still making time for grown children and grandchildren

  • Navigate divorce and prioritize their own business versus their ex’s

  • Create, promote and fill creative workshops

  • Finally make, share and sell zines (after 16 years of wanting to)

  • Start part-time coaching business and enjoy woodworking in retirement

Here’s to saying yes to the support, guidance and accountability that will help you build your belief in yourself and your creative dreams!

In the coming week I have 5 Clarity Call times available.

Claim one for yourself and learn how we can work together in the New Year to strengthen your belief in your creative dreams and turn them into a life you love!