Three Mistakes Creatives Make

You’re definitely not alone!

Many multi-passionate creatives bump up against these roadblocks:

  • You tell yourself you need to wait for the “best” time to begin.

Spoiler alert ~ there’s no such thing as the “best” time! Tomorrow isn’t promised and you never know what life will throw your way ~ hello global pandemic!

So, in truth, the very best time to begin taking inspired action on your creative dreams is as soon as humanly possible.

  • You wait to get help until you feel more “on top of things.”

​This is like waiting to join a gym until you get fit. It’s a self-defeating cycle that continues to keep your desired results out of reach.

​Reaching out for support and guidance BEFORE you have everything figured out is the fastest way to move from the dreaming into the doing. Getting you to a place where you do feel “on top of things” is an important part of the work we do together in my coaching programs.

  • You make decisions based on where you are today rather than where you want to be in the future.

This one is tricky because it’s what most of us do on default.

In fact, we don’t even realize it’s happening.

It wasn’t until my coach helped me understand this concept that I learned how to make decisions based on who I want to become in the future versus who I am today.

This is a great example of how working with a coach helps you see things from a fresh perspective (without judgment) which is honestly just so flippin’ valuable!

If any of these sound like your current MO and you’re ready to change that, let’s talk.

Currently, I have 6 Clarity Call times available this week. ​Claim one of these free calls for yourself and let’s discuss options for how we can work together to take your creative dreams to the next level in the new year!