Jumpstart Your Creativity in Just 10 Minutes!

Lately I've been leading lots of private and public Creative Oasis coloring events.

Again and again I've witnessed women who give themselves permission to take time out of their busy schedules to sit down with a coloring page and a few basic art supplies transform into happy, relaxed creative beings within minutes.

Together we brainstormed more creative experiences they'd like to enjoy. I introduced them to the concept of Kaizen - how small steps can lead to big creative satisfaction and shared a few of the many benefits of spending time in their own Creative Oasis:

* More peace
* Greater happiness 
* The chance to unplug 
* Increased self-confidence
* Renewed personal fulfillment 
* Better overall health in body, mind and spirit

Inspired by the overwhelmingly positive response to these events, I've created an all new Permission to Be Creative 101 and am thrilled to share it with you now.

This simple guide walks you through a 3-step process that gives you permission to ponder your own Creative Oasis and leads you quickly and easily into instant creative action in just 10 minutes!

Ready to move past the blocks of procrastination, perfectionism and overwhelm? Want to experience the joy and satisfaction of increased creative productivity?

I invite you to start right here, right now in three simple steps.

#1 - Click here to request your complimentary guide to print out.
#2  - Grab your crayons, colored pencils or watercolors. (If using watercolors you may want to print your guide on card stock.)
#3 - Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes and begin.

Here's the best part, you can use this guide daily, weekly or anytime you want to jump-start your creativity.

I'd love to know where the guide leads you. Leave a comment below to share your experience or if you have any questions.

I'll touch base with you in a few days to see how it's going and share the next small step you can take to keep the momentum flowing on your personal creative journey.

Until then, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,