Creating Change in Your Life

Creating change can feel daunting and yet it’s often so worthwhile.

Take my 82-year old dad.

For the majority of his life he believed meditating meant he had to sit cross-legged on the floor and chant Om.

That didn’t appeal or make sense to him.

But the more he read about the benefits of meditation the more he thought he might want to give it a try.

So after decades of allowing one set of thoughts and beliefs to dictate his willingness to meditate ~ he took the essential step needed to create real change…

He gave himself permission to question those thoughts and beliefs and shift his perspective.

He got curious.

What if he didn’t have to sit like a yogi and chant?

What if he could create a meditative practice that worked for him?

What might that look like?

He came up with his own method that he calls “Mindfulness in Motion” where he walked on a treadmill at two miles per hour with his eyes closed for 10 minutes at a time.

And even though it felt strange at first, he kept it up and soon he began feeling the benefits.

He says he feels more grounded and calm throughout the day. “Even when Bob gets distracted during pickle ball and slows down our game! I used to get so frustrated and now it really doesn’t bother me.”

He has now been meditating for over a year now!

Think about a change you want to create in your creative life.

How might you shift your thoughts and beliefs to open up to new possibilities that will help you move forward to create positive change in your creative life?

I invite you to watch the replay of a talk I recently gave on this very topic “Change Your Perspective ~ Change Your Life” at a Dallas CreativeMornings meeting.

And then join me for my next Magic Action Masterclass (May 7th) to learn 3 more secrets to bringing even your most audacious creative dreams to life.

Here’s to giving yourself permission to say YES to your creative callings so you can live a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life and help make the world a better, brighter place!