The Magic of Creative Accountability

I love Thursdays because I get to host two Magic Action Dates for my clients. During these 75-minute co-creation accountability sessions we hold the time & space for each other to prioritize our creative endeavors and take inspired creative action. I start us off with a prompt or a little bit of coaching and then we each take action on a personal or creative-career project.

This morning I pulled a card from the Julia Cameron deck: Believe. It says:

“as creatives we must find those who believe in us and in whom we believe and band together for support and encouragement and protection.”

That is exactly what you get when you work with me as your creativity coach, because in addition to weekly coaching support, you are invited to come and participate in these Magic Action Dates - and they truly are magical!

You can feel so much more accomplished in the span of a 75 minute Magic Action Date than in a 3-4 hour morning where you bounce from thing to thing. If this is sounds interesting, exciting, or energizing to you, book a Clarity Call and let’s talk about how we can work together!

When you work with me as your creativity coach you’re invited to join me & my other clients for up to 3 optional Magic Action Dates per week in addition to our weekly coaching sessions. I hope you’ll join us!