10 Small Steps To Make Your Own Big Magic


Reading Big Magic from front to back...cover to cover...while taking delightfully doable steps to move your own creative dreams forward...how does that sound?


The pilot program of my Big Magic Better-Than-A-Book-Club Coaching Group will be kicking into gear March 15th. (FYI: Only 1 spot still available as of this writing ~ registration closes Saturday, March 5th at midnight.)


Some amazing women are coming together to read, discuss and dive deep into Elizabeth Gilbert's new book while learning and practicing ways to make some Big Magic in their own creative lives along the way. I'd love for you to join us, but it that's not in the cards this go round, I'd like to share this with you:


10 Small Steps To Keep You Moving Forward On Your Big Magic journey. 


1. Ask yourself which feels more doable and fun for you ~ reading the book or listening to the audio version.


2. Purchase the version that appeals to you the most.


3. Ask a friend if she'd like to join you. 


4. Give yourself permission to spend 5 or 10 minutes reading or listening to Big Magic 3 or 4 times a week. (This may not sound like much, but you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll soak up all the creative inspiration and motivation using these small, doable chunks of time!)


5. Start a list of ideas and dreams that occur to you while reading Big Magic. (Add to it each time you read or listen to the book.)


6. Choose one idea or dream that calls to you from your list. 


7. Brainstorm as many small steps as you can that will help you make your one project, passion or pursuit a reality. 


8. Set a Creative Oasis Date with your friend to help you move forward with your steps.


9. Rinse and repeat steps 4 -8 until you've read Big Magic cover to cover.


10. Remain open to the infinite possibilities that your creative life holds! 



* You're curious about this fabulous new book by Elizabeth Gilbert and would love to read and discuss it with a group of kindred creative spirits.


* You've read or are reading Big Magic but could use some help applying what you read to your own creative life.
* You're interested in learning more about Creative Oasis Coaching with me.
* You're willing to share your feedback with me along the way to make this program the best that it can be for future groups. 
* You're excited by the possibility of making more time and space in your busy life for creative joy and satisfaction.


Only 1 of 12 spots is still available as of this writing. I'm keeping the group intentionally small so I can share more personalized coaching and support with each member on our calls and in our private Facebook group. Click here if you'd like to join us.


Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,




p.s. Grab a free copy of my Permission to Be Creative 101 Guide here and receive bite-size bonbons of creative inspiration and motivation each week!